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Randy Roth, M.D.

Dr. Randy Roth

Term Expires:

Location: Pascagoula, MS

Dr Roth is a native of New Orleans, LA and a resident of Pascagoula, MS . He received his BS  from Rhodes College in Memphis , TN, medical degree from University of Alabama, Birmingham, and  internship and residency at Baylor University Medical Center. He is currently CMO at Singing River Health System, and has led Inpatient Physician Services as a hospitalist for the last      25 years. Dr Roth speaks regionally and nationally on a wide variety of hospital and  inpatient medicine topics including VBP, negligent credentialing, and physician communication. He has served on numerous boards including Diocese of Biloxi School Board, Bacot McCarty foundation, and Singing River Yacht Club. He and his wife Tracy have 6 children. When not working, he  enjoys time with his family , high school football and cooking. He is honored to serve on this board and grateful to Governor Reeves for the chance to serve.