January 15, 2025
Consent Order / Agreement with Terms and Conditions
Consent Order / Agreement with Terms and Conditions
Consent Order / Agreement with Terms and Conditions
Consent Order - Professional Sexual Misconduct.
Suspended for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of this Consent Order by the Board, with nine (9) months immediately stayed, such that he may return to the practice of medicine three months from the date of entry of this Consent Order, subject to return to work conditions and restrictions.
A continuance is granted with the Order of Temporary Suspension dated 5/12/2023, extended until January 2026.
Request for reinstatement is granted with conditions.
March 7, 2025
Voluntary Surrender of Medical License
March 18, 2025
Voluntary Surrender of Medical License
Voluntary Surrender of Medical License
March 20, 2025
Consent Order
Consent Order
Consent Order
January 11, 2024
Permanent Revocation
Request for Continuance is granted on express condition that the Order of Temporary Suspension remains in effect during the interim.
March 21, 2024
Unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety.
Temporary suspension of license pending hearing.
Licensee is granted a continuance of the hearing that was set for March 21, 2024, on the express condition that the Order of Temporary Suspension remains in effect during the interim.
Consent Order - Restrictions with terms and conditions.
License restored/reinstated without restrictions/limitations.
April 30, 2024
Gregory Alvin Auzenne, M.D.
Termination of probation. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license to practice medicine.
May 8 , 2024
Reciprocal action based on an Agreed Order with the Kentucky Medical Board in March 2023, and violation of the Mississippi Medical Practice Act by failing to perform an in-person evaluation for patients treated via telemedicine for weight loss.
Determination and Order.
May 9, 2024
Suspension with suspension stayed. Consent Order with terms and conditions.
May 22, 2024
Immediate danger to public health, safety, or welfare.
May 29, 2024
Termination of probation, licensee now holds an unrestricted license to practice medicine.
July 17, 2024
Consent Order / Reprimand
Order Removing Restrictions
Continuance granted. Order of Temporary Suspension remains in effect in the interim.
September 25, 2024
September 26, 2024
Public Reprimand with terms and conditions
Public Reprimand with terms and conditions
October 30, 2024
Notice of Administrative Suspension
November 20, 2024
Based on action taken by the Kentucky Medical Board, probation of license.
Professional Sexual Misconduct - Suspended
December 31, 2024
Surrender of Medical License
January 19, 2023
Consent Order - Reprimand with terms and conditions
Charles Edward Schlosser, M.D.
Consent Order - Reprimand with terms and conditions
Consent Order - Reprimand with terms and conditions
Consent Order - Reprimand with terms and conditions
February 2, 2023
Surrender of Podiatric License
February 16, 2023
Surrender of Podiatric License
February 21, 2023
Satyaseelan Packianathan, M.D.
Surrender of Medical License
March 6, 2023
Tammy Michelle Nicholas Brown, M.D.
Surrender of Medical License
March 22, 2023
Consent Order - Reprimand with terms and conditions
La Tania Michelle Akers-White, M.D.
Consent Order - Reprimand with terms and conditions
Robert Lebaron Grant Stears, M.D.
Consent Order - Reprimand with terms and conditions
Restrictions/Limitations removed from licensee. Licensee's request for removal of the restriction to supervise PAs and APRNs is hereby granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license to practice medicine in the State of Mississippi.
Licensee's request for reinstatement of his Mississippi medical license is granted, subject to the conditions and restrictions.
April 8, 2023
Surrender of Medical License
May 12, 2023
Licensee is temporarily suspended, and shall be prohibited from the practice of medicine pending the outcome of a hearing as scheduled in the matter pursuant to authority granted in Miss. Code Ann.73-25-89.
May 18, 2023
Consent Order suspending medical license for twelve (12) months, stayed after six (6) months with terms and conditions.
Licensee's request for the removal of restrictions is granted, he now holds an unrestricted license to practice in the State of Mississippi.
Licensee request for a continuance of the Hearing is granted. Pending the hearing on this matter, the Order of Temporary Suspension issued on 5/12/2023 remain in full force and effect.
Licensee is suspended with the suspension immediately stayed. Licensee is prohibited from practicing medicine via telehealth in the state of Mississippi until June 17, 2023.
May 26, 2023
Voluntary Surrender of Podiatric License
July 24, 2023
Licensee is temporarily suspended, and shall be prohibited from the practice of medicine pending the outcome of a hearing a scheduled in the matter pursuant to authority granted in Miss. Code Ann. 73-25-89.
July 27, 2023
Consent Order based on action by the Wisconsin Medical Examining Board
Licensee's request to remove all remaining restrictions is granted.
September 13, 2023
Consent Order - Based on action by the Oregon Medical Board
Consent Order - Based on action by the Wisconsin Medical Board
Petition for Reinstatement is Granted
Affidavit Dismissed with prejudice
September 14, 2023
Licensee's medical license is placed on probation. Terms of the probation run concurrently with the terms and conditions of Licensee's federal probation.
November 15, 2023
Consent Order - Due to action taken by the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners
James Leonard Wootton, III, M.D.
Licensee's request to apply for licensure in Louisiana and Kansas is granted
Charles Edward Schlosser, M.D.
Public Reprimand
December 15, 2023
Licensee is temporarily suspended and prohibited from the practice of medicine pending outcome of a hearing scheduled for January 11, 2024.
January 20, 2022
Consent Order with terms and conditions, indefinite suspension, see attached document
January, 31, 2022
Terms of the September 25, 2021 Consent Order have been satisfied
January 20, 2022
Request for modifications of restrictions/terms is denied for failure to complete the terms and conditions in the June 3, 2020 Order.
March 11, 2022
Voluntary Retirement of License while under investigation
March 23, 2022
Consent Order with terms and conditions
Surrender of Medical License
May 19, 2022
Bhavik Patel, D.O. - APPLICANT
Application for licensure is denied
Petition for advancement in reentry to practice program as prescribed by CPEP is approved.
June 24, 2022
Medical license is indefinitely suspended.
July 11, 2022
Surrender of Medical License
July 21, 2022
Hereby suspended with conditions for reinstatement to be successful completion of a Board approved re-entry training program.
Applicant's petition for medical licensure in the State of Mississippi is denied.
Licensee is suspended indefinitely, but the suspension is stayed. Licensee is placed on probation subject to the same terms and conditions of probation as decreed by the Medical Licensure Commission of Alabama in its April 20, 2022 Order.
September 19, 2022
Voluntary Agreement to Retire Medical License
November 17, 2022
Consent Order
November 28, 2022
Licensee is immediately temporarily suspended, and licensee shall be prohibited from practice of medicine pending the outcome of a hearing as scheduled in this matter.
December 8, 2022
Licensee's license is immediately suspended.
January 21, 2021
Charles N. Crenshaw, III, M.D.
Surrender of Medical License
Consent Order Issuing a Reprimand subject to terms and conditions
Consent Order issuing a Reprimand subject to terms and conditions
Indefinite Suspension
January 26, 2021
Surrender of Medical License
March 23, 2021
Surrender of Medical License
March 24, 2021
Approval of Consent Order issuing a formal Reprimand subject to terms and conditions.
Approval of Consent Order issuing a formal Reprimand subject to terms and conditions.
Determination and Order
March 25, 2021
Public Reprimand
May 19, 2021
Surrender of Medical License
May 20, 2021
Licensee's petition for removal of all restrictions on her license to practice medicine is granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted medical license.
Licensee is issued a Reprimand with terms and conditions
Licensee's medical license is restricted with terms and conditions.
Licensee's petition for reinstatement is granted with restrictions.
Licensee is suspended, subject to terms and conditions
July 22, 2021
Petition for a license to practice medicine in the state of Mississippi is denied.
Petition for removal of restrictions is granted.
August 12, 2021
Voluntary Surrender of Medical License
September 8, 2021
Order of Temporary Action Pending Hearing
September 23, 2021
Surrender of Medical License
Consent Order with terms and conditions
Applicant's application for licensure in the state of Mississippi is denied for attempting to obtain a license by fraud or deception, in violation of Miss. Code Ann. 73-25-29(8)(f)
November 18, 2021
Surrender of Medical License
Surrender of Medical License
Surrender of Medical License
Order Granting Reinstatement of License
Order Granting Reinstatement of License
December 10, 2021
Licensee was issued an Order of Temporary Action suspending license pending hearing, based upon action taken by the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners having issued an immediate suspension of Licensee's medical license. This matter has been continued until the next regularly scheduled board meeting.
January 16, 2020
The licensee's petition for the removal of all restrictions on his Medical License is granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted medical license.
Jacqueline G. Curtis, M.D.
Order of Temporary Suspension and Affidavit
The Board granted Licensee's request for a Continuance. Pending the hearing on this matter the Order of Temporary Suspension issued on September 4, 2019, shall remain in full force.
The licensee executed a Consent Order accepted by the Board subject to terms and conditions.
The licensee executed a Consent Order accepted by the Board subject to terms and conditions.
January 23, 2020
Surrender of Medical License
May 22, 2020
The licensee agrees to voluntarily surrender his medical license to practice medicine in the State of Mississippi.
May 29, 2020
Licensee is prohibited from practicing medicine
June 03, 2020
The licensee executed a Consent Order accepted by the Board, subject to probationary terms and conditions.
The licensee executed a Consent Order accepted by the Board issuing a Formal Reprimand with restrictions
The Licensee's petition for the removal of all restrictions on his Medical License is granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted medical license.
The licensee's petition for the removal of all restrictions on his Medical License is granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted medical license.
The license is revoked.
Rajesh Subramanya, M.D.
The license is suspended.
Timothy Whittle, M.D.
The license is suspended.
June 16, 2020
Surrender of Medical License
June 30, 2020
Surrender of Medical License
July 06, 2020
The licensee executed a Consent Order. Licensee's medical license is suspended for one (1) year, subject to terms and conditions from the date of execution of order with no stay of the suspension.
July 29, 2020
Mohammad Ibrahim Ahmad-Sabry, M.D.
Restrictions removed from license
Ashok Kumar Coimbatone Jeyakumar, M.D.
Licensure waiver granted
Probationary / Restricted License
Licensure waiver granted
July 30, 2020
Request for reinstatement is denied
September 17, 2020
Licensee executed a Consent Order accepted by the Board, suspending his license subject to terms and conditions.
Request for reinstatement is denied
Licensee's petition for the removal of all restrictions is granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted medical license.
October 29, 2020
Voluntary surrender of Medical License
November 18, 2020
Consent Order issuing a Reprimand
Consent Order issuing a Reprimand with terms and conditions
Consent Order issuing a Reprimand with terms and conditions
Licensee's petition for removal of all restrictions on her Mississippi medical license is granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted medical license
Consent Order accepted by the Board suspending license with terms and conditions for a period of one year beginning October 31, 2020.
Licensee's request to lift restriction is denied.
November 19, 2020
Revocation of License.
Suspension of License.
January 17, 2019
Licensee's petition for removal of restriction is denied.
Charles Samuel Fillingane, D.O.
Licensee's petition for removal of all restrictions on his Medical License is granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted medical license.
Licensee's petition for removal of all restrictions on her Medical License is granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted medical license.
March 21, 2019
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing medical license on probation subject to terms and conditions, with notice of his intent to retire from the practice of medicine on or before June 30, 2019.
Licensee's petition for removal of all restrictions on his Medical License is granted effective April 18, 2019.
The Summons and Affidavit is dismissed without prejudice. Licensee holds an unrestricted license to practice in the State of Mississippi
Licensee executed a Consent Order accepted by the Board subject to terms and conditions.
Voluntary Surrender of Medical License
May 3, 2019
Licensee shall be prohibited from the practice of medicine until such time as the Board determines that Licensee may return to the practice of podiatric medicine.
May 11, 2019
Shailesh Chhotallal Vora, M.D.
Licensee is temporarily suspended and prohibited from the practice of medicine pending the outcome of a hearing.
May 20, 2019
Robert Vancleave Coleman, M.D.
Licensee voluntarily surrenders his medical license to practice medicine in the State of Mississippi.
June 21, 2019
Voluntarily Surrendered Medical License
July 10, 2019
Licensee is temporarily suspended and shall be prohibited from the practice of medicine pending the outcome of a hearing as scheduled in this matter.
July 25, 2019
Licensee executed a Consent Order accepted by the Board with terms and conditions indefinitely suspending his Mississippi medical license.
Licensee executed a Consent Order accepted by the Board with terms and conditions.
William Scott Campbell, Jr., M.D.
Licensee's petition for the removal of the Consent Order dated May 18, 2017, is granted.
Bharanidharan Padmanabhan, M.D.
Order Denying Issuance of License
Order to Show Cause why Licensee's application for a license to practice medicine in the State of Mississippi should not be denied. Licensee's application for a Mississippi medical license is denied.
Seth L. Yoser, M.D.
Order Granting Reinstatement of License
Order to Show Cause why Licensee's application for a license to practice medicine in the State of Mississippi should not be denied. Licensee is granted an unrestricted Mississippi medical license.
August 27, 2019
Agreement to Retire Medical License - Effective October 1, 2019
September 4, 2019
Licensee is issued an Order of Temporary Suspension pending a Hearing scheduled for September 19, 2019. This is based on action taken by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine.
September 19, 2019
The Board granted Licensee’s request for a Continuance until November 14, 2019.
The Board granted Licensee’s request for removal of all restrictions. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license to practice medicine in the State of Mississippi.
The Board denied Licensee’s request for removal of restrictions on his license.
The Board granted Licensee’s request for removal of all restrictions. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license to practice medicine in the State of Mississippi.
September 26, 2019
Licensee is prohibited from the practice of medicine until such time as the Board determines that the Licensee may return to the practice of medicine.
October 3, 2019
Licensee permanently retired her Mississippi medical license while under investigation.
November 6, 2019
Constance R. Tambakis-Odom, M.D.
The Board issued a Public Letter of Concern.
November 8, 2019
Temporary Suspension Pending a Hearing based on action taken by the Texas Medical Board.
November 14, 2019
The Board issued a non-reportable Public Letter of Concern.
The Board granted the Licensee's request for the removal of all restrictions. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license to practice medicine in the State of Mississippi.
The Board granted Licensee's request for a Continuance until January 16, 2020. Pending the hearing on this matter the Order of Temporary Suspension issued on November 6, 2019, shall remain in full force
The Board granted Licensee's request for a Second Continuance until January 16, 2020. Pending the hearing on this matter the Order of Temporary Suspension issued on September 4, 2019, shall remain in full force.
The Board granted Licensee's request for a Continuance until January 16, 2020
The licensee executed a Consent Order accepted by the Board, a formal reprimand subject to terms and conditions.
The licensee executed a Consent Order accepted by the Board placing her license on probation subject to terms and conditions.
December 18, 2019
The licensee is prohibited from the practice of medicine until such time as the Board determines that the Licensee may return to the practice of medicine.
February 1, 2018
James Aiken, M.D.
All restrictions removed.
Donald Conerly, M.D.
Provided Licensee remains compliant during the interim with the order, effective March 16, 2018, all restrictions are removed.
Keith M. Simnicht, M.D.
Provided Licensee submits to the Board completion of Board ordered CME, all restrictions are removed.
Arthur E. Wood, III, M.D.
Executed a Consent Order to obtain Board Approved CME.
Terrence Millette, M.D.
Executed a Consent order with terms and conditions.
Charles S. Fillingane, M.D.
Executed a Consent Order.
Rome Sherrod, M.D.
Voluntarily Surrendered Medical License
Nathaniel Brown, M.D.
License revoked.
March 22, 2018
Yusuf A. Mosuro, M.D.
Licensee’s request that all restrictions on his Mississippi license be removed is hereby granted. Licensee holds an unrestricted Mississippi medical license.
William M. Wadsworth, M.D.
Licensee’s request that all restrictions on his Mississippi license be removed is hereby granted. Licensee holds an unrestricted Mississippi medical license.
Ikechukwu H. Okorie, M.D.
Suspended for one year with suspension stayed after expiration of a minimum of six months provided Licensee complies with certain terms and conditions
April 2018
Arturo E. Blanco, M.D.
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing his license on probation subject to terms and conditions.
May 22, 2018
James L. Holzhauer, M.D.
Licensee is prohibited from practicing obstetrics pending the outcome of a hearing
May 09, 2018
Karen Y. Mullen, M.D.
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing her license on probation subject to terms and conditions.
July 19, 2018
Ronnie Ali D.O.
Licensee's request that all restrictions on his Mississippi license be removed is hereby granted. Licensee holds an unrestricted Mississippi medical license.
Meisam H. Moghbelli, M.D.
Licensee's request that all restrictions on his Mississippi license be removed is hereby granted. Licensee holds an unrestricted Mississippi medical license.
Horrell Townsend D.O.
Board accepted Licensee's executed Consent Order
Don A. Gibson M.D.
Board accepted Licensee's executed Consent Order
Eric J. Zoog M.D.
Board accepted Licensee's executed Consent Order
Akwasi A. Amponsha, M.D.
Board accepted Licensee's executed Consent Order
James L. Holzhauer, M.D.
This matter has been continued until September 20, 2018. Order of Temporary Suspension previously entered and dated 05/22/2018, remains in full force.
Charles S. Fillingane, D.O.
This matter has been continued until September 20, 2018. Order of Temporary Suspension previously entered and dated 07/03/2018, remains in full force.
Robert B. Lee, M.D.
Licensee's certificate to practice medicine in the state of Mississippi shall remain suspended. Based on actions taken by the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure against Licensee dated April 4, 2017.
July 3, 2018
Charles S. Fillingane, D.O.
Licensee, is suspended pending the outcome of a hearing scheduled for July 19, 2018.
August 28, 2018
Akwasi A. Amponsah, M.D.
Licensee should be prohibited from the independent practice of medicine pending the outcome of a hearing as scheduled in the matter. The hearing is scheduled for September 20, 2018
September 20, 2018
This matter is placed in abeyance until otherwise ordered by the Board. Licensee remains prohibited from the independent practice of medicine pending the outcome of a hearing or other resolution of the matter.
Licensee’s request for removal of practice monitoring by Affiliated Monitoring is granted. All other requirements of the January 12, 2017, Consent Order remains in full force and effect.
Licensee’s request for removal of all restrictions is granted effective November 21, 2018.
Effective September 22, 2018, Licensee is authorized to return to the practice of medicine and is indefinitely prohibited from treating or managing patients for chronic pain and/or addiction.
Licensee executed a Consent Order in lieu of an evidentiary hearing subject to terms and conditions.
Licensee agreed to execute a Consent Order in lieu of an evidentiary hearing, suspending his medical license with the suspension immediately stayed, subject to probationary terms and conditions. Licensee may petition for reconsideration after expiration of at least one year from the date of the Consent Order.
Timothy Summers, M.D.
Licensee has agreed to execute a Consent Order in lieu of an evidentiary hearing, suspending his medical license for one (1) year with the suspension stayed upon expiration of six (6) months from date of this consent order subject to probationary terms and conditions. Licensee may petition for reconsideration after expiration of at least one year from the date of this Order.
Licensee’s request for removal of all restrictions is granted.
September 26, 2018
Gregory P. Norwood, D.O.
Licensee is temporarily suspended and shall be prohibited from the practice of medicine pending the outcome of a hearing as scheduled in the matter.
September 27, 2018
Licensee agrees to voluntarily surrender his medical license (07274) to practice medicine in the State of Mississippi.
October 05, 2018
Amended Determination and Order.
October 31, 2018
Voluntarily Retired Medical License
November 29, 2018
Licensee executed a Consent Order in lieu of a hearing suspending his Mississippi medical license for a period of three (3) months effective January 1, 2019, subject to terms and conditions
Licensee petition for reinstatement of his Medical License is granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted medical license.
Licensee's petition for authority to register with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration for a DEA Certificate is denied.
Licensee executed a Consent Order in lieu of a hearing suspending his Mississippi medical license subject to terms and conditions.
January 03, 2017
Arnold E. Feldman, MD
Baton Rouge, LA
Licensee served an Order of Temporary Action Pending Hearing and also served a Summons and Affidavit for the hearing to be held Jan 12, 2017.
January 12, 2017
Mark H. Fletcher, MD
Tupelo, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing his MS medical license on probation with removal of the probation subject to terms and conditions.
William M. Wadsworth, MD
Hernando, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing restrictions on his MS medical license subject to terms and conditions.
Donald V. Conerly, MD
Hattiesburg, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing his MS medical license on probation subject to terms and conditions.
Keith M. Simnicht, MD
Hattiesburg, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing his MS medical license on probation subject to terms and conditions.
January 12, 2017
Bret A. Boes, MD
Meridian, MS
Continuance granted until March 16, 2017, Board meeting. Licensee is prohibited from practicing medicine, that is treating, counseling or otherwise offering any medical advice or services to patients.
Arnold E. Feldman, MD
Baton Rouge, LA
Continuance granted until March 16, 2017, Board meeting. Licensee is prohibited from prescribing controlled substances in any schedules for the treatment of chronic (non-cancer) pain and obesity.
March 16, 2017
Alvin R. Beezley, Jr., D.O.
Caledonia, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order that suspends his license for a period of 6 months, with suspension immediately stayed, subject to terms and conditions.
Bret A. Boes, M.D.
Meridian, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order that suspends his license with the suspension stayed and placing his license on probation subject to terms and conditions.
Irina V. Borissova, M.D.
San Antonio, TX
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing her license on probation subject to terms and conditions.
Donald V. Conerly, M.D.
Hattiesburg, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing his license on probation subject to terms and conditions amending the Order dated 1/12/2017.
Dorothy L. Gillespie, M.D.
Hattiesburg, MS
Applicant executed a Consent Order allowing re-issuance of a medical license subject to terms and conditions.
George E. Gillespie, III, D.O.
Richton, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing his license on probation subject to terms and conditions.
Arnold E. Feldman, M.D.
Baton Rouge, LA
Licensee’s Mississippi medical license is suspended and said suspension to run concurrently with that of the LA Medical Board. The suspension will become effective April 17, 2017.
Chadley Thomas Vega, M.D.
Oxford, MS
License on probation subject to terms and conditions.
May 18, 2017
Mohammad Ahmad-Sabry, M.D.
McComb, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing terms and conditions on his Mississippi medical license.
William Scott Campbell, Jr., M.D.
Marianna, FL
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing his Mississippi medical license on probation with terms and conditions.
Dee L’Archeveque, M.D.
Wildomer, CA
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing her Mississippi medical license on probation with terms and conditions.
Thomas J. Seglio, D.O.
Ocean Springs, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing restrictions on his Mississippi medical license.
Lon Alexander, M.D.
Hattiesburg, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing terms and conditions on his Mississippi medical license.
Ron Mark, M.D.
Deer Park, NY
All restrictions removed. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license.
Richard E. Brownstein, M.D
Clarkdale, MS
All restrictions removed. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license.
Scott Prechter, M.D.
Pfafftown, NC
All restrictions removed. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license.
Thomas E. Sturdavant, M.D
Biloxi, MS
Request for a Continuance is granted.
Meisam H. Moghbelli, M.D
Cleveland, OH
Licensee issued a Determination and Order whereby licensee is subject to terms and conditions.
Lawrence Stewart, M.D.
McComb, MS
Licensee issued a Determination and Order whereby licensee is subject to terms and conditions.
July 20, 2017
Carl Reddix, M.D.
Jackson, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing his license on indefinite suspension subject to terms and conditions
Myron Cornel Stokes, Sr., M.D.
Collierville, TN
Licensee's request that restrictions imposed by the Order of Prohibition dated 01/09/2016 be removed is hereby granted. Licensee is authorized to return to the practice of medicine limited to office based practice with terms and conditions.
Thomas E. Sturdavant, M.D.
Biloxi, MS
This matter is dismissed without prejudice, conditioned on compliance with the November 14, 2013, Letter Agreement.
August 04, 2017
Michael Leo Baker, D.O.
Rolling Fork, MS
Licensee voluntarily surrendered his Mississippi Medical License
August 28, 2017
Lucius Lampton, M.D.
Magnolia, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order subject to terms and conditions.
September 7, 2017
Robert Blair Lee, M.D.
Ocean Springs, MS
Temporarily suspended pending the outcome of the hearing scheduled for Thursday, September 21, 2017.
September 11, 2017
William Eric Byrd, M.D.
Brandon, MS
Licensee served an Order of Prohibition.
September 21, 2017
Xiulu Ruan, M.D.
Mobile, AL
Licensee surrendered his Mississippi Medical License.
Verena Valley, M.D.
Canton, MS
Licensee’s medical license reinstated with conditions.
Neil Burton Sloan, M.D.
Cornith, MS
All restrictions removed. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license.
October 30, 2017
John Hunter Phillips, III, M.D.
Biloxi, MS
The Board unconditionally accepted Licensee’s voluntary surrender of his license to practice medicine in the State of Mississippi.
November 16, 2017
Annie Borders-Blackwell, D.O.
Cleveland, MS
Licensee's Mississippi Medical license is hereby revoked.
Theophilus Okeke, M.D.
Hempstead, NY
Licensee's Mississippi Medical license is hereby revoked.
January 09, 2016
Myron C. Stokes, Sr., M.D.
Collierville, TN
Order of Prohibition served.
January 14, 2016
Roger L. Collins, M.D.
Jackson, MS
Request for all restrictions to be lifted is hereby granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted MS medical license.
Steven L. Bayer, M.D.
Gadsden, AL
Licensee executed an Agreed Order Not to Renew or Seek Reinstatement of his MS medical license.
January 20, 2016
Thomas Page McGee, Jr., M.D.
Franklin, NC
Licensee executed an Agreed Order Not to Renew or Seek Reinstatement of his MS medical license.
January 25, 2016
Steve Morris, III, M.D.
Waveland, MS
Licensee voluntarily relinquishes his right to practice medicine in MS by surrendering his medical license.
February 16, 2016
Patrick Ellison Sewell, Jr., M.D.
Elm Grove, LA
Order of Prohibition served.
February 25, 2016
Edward J. O’Brien, Sr., M.D.
Ferriday, LA
Order of Prohibition served.
March 3, 2016
Steven W. Easley, M.D.
Madison, MS
Order of Prohibition served.
May 19, 2016
James Bean Aiken, M.D.
New Orleans, LA
Granted a license with an indefinite probation subject to terms and conditions.
Ronnie Ali, D.O.
Ocean Springs, MS
Licensee agreed to a Consent Order that restricts his medical license for 2 years with terms and conditions.
Jonathan David Ingram, M.D.
Atlanta, GA
Due to violations of the terms and conditions of the Consent Order dated 9/17/15, the Board indefinitely withdraws licensee’s right to reapply for reinstatement.
Xiulu Ruan, M.D.
Mobile, AL
Licensee is granted a Continuance pending the outcome of a hearing before the Board with the understanding that he is prohibited from practicing medicine in any form in the state of MS.
Felicie Gretchen Wyatt, M.D.
Port Gibson, MS
Licensee is granted a Continuance pending the outcome of a hearing before the Board with the understanding that she is prohibited from practicing medicine in any form in the state of MS.
June 28, 2016
Theodore Emeka Okechuku, M.D.
Jackson MS
Licensee voluntarily relinquishes his right to practice medicine in Mississippi by surrendering his medical license.
July 12, 2016
Lee Burgess Drake, MD
Hattiesburg, MS
Licensee voluntarily surrenders his Mississippi Medical license.
July 21, 2016
Boyd Porter Benefield, M.D.
Gulfport, MS
Request for all restrictions to be lifted is hereby granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted Mississippi medical license.
August 5, 2016
Verena T. Valley, M.D.
Canton, MS
Licensee served an Order of Temporary Suspension pending a hearing on August 19, 2016.
August 9, 2016
John Thomas Barringer, MD
Brandon, MS
Licensee served an Order of Temporary Suspension pending a Board hearing on August 19, 2016.
August 11, 2016
John Thomas Barringer, MD
Brandon, MS
Licensee voluntarily surrenders his MS medical license in lieu of a hearing.
Aug 16, 2016
Verena T. Valley, MD
Canton, MS
Licensee’s attorney requested a Continuance due to a conflict with the Aug 19, 2016, scheduled hearing. In a meeting held on Aug 16, 2016, the parties agreed to continue the matter until Sept 22, 2016. As a condition of receiving such continuance, Licensee has agreed not to practice medicine in MS until all charges before the Board are heard.
Daniel M. Woodliff, MD
Jackson, MS
Public letter of concern issued.
George L.H. Ward, MD
Gulfport, MS
Public letter of concern issued.
Daniel J. Jurusz, MD
Tampa, FL
Public letter of concern issued.
August 17, 2016
Douglas Maposa, MD
Madison, MS
Public letter of concern issued.
August 18, 2016
Otis Gowdy, Jr., MD
Meridian, MS
Public letter of concern issued.
Daniel M. Chehebar, DO
Covington, LA
Public letter of concern issued.
Scott A. Prechter, MD
Pfafftown, NC
Suspension with terms and conditions.
August 22, 2016
Edmund G. Lewis, M.D.
Port Charlotte, FL
Public letter of concern issued.
Christian Michael Widdows, M.D.
Jackson, MS
Public letter of concern issued.
Anne Lee Bridges Yates, M.D.
Jackson, MS
Public letter of concern issued.
August 23, 2016
Kimberly C. Tarver, M.D.
Jackson, MS
Public letter of concern issued.
August 30, 2016
Thomas A. Ireland, M.D.
Belden, MS
Public letter of concern issued.
James R. Moitoza, M.D.
El Dorado Hills, CA
Public letter of concern issued.
Lakeisha W. Richardson, M.D.
Greenville, MS 38702-1676
Public letter of concern issued.
Brent C. Staggs, M.D.
Little Rock, AR
Public letter of concern issued.
Bret A. Boes, MD
Meridian, MS
Licensee served Order of Temporary Suspension pending a hearing on September 22, 2016.
August 31, 2016
Orlando Burt, D.O.
Hattiesburg, MS
Public letter of concern issued.
Philip M. Furr, M.D.
Memphis, TN
Public letter of concern issued.
September 1, 2016
Sherif S. Andrews, M.D.
Carmel, IN
Public letter of concern issued.
Prasad V.D. Devabhaktuni, M.D.
Bridgeport, WV
Public letter of concern issued.
September 2, 2016
Waleed H. Sayedahmad, M.D.
Coral Springs, FL
Public letter of concern issued.
September 7, 2016
Ruepert Don Bryan, M.D.
Alabaster, AL
Voluntarily Surrendered and agrees to never make application in Mississippi for a medical license.
September 12, 2016
Abuhuziefa Abubakr, M.D.
Plainfield, NJ
Public letter of concern issued.
Woodie M. Deming, M.D.
Phoenix, AZ
Public letter of concern issued.
Hillel E. Wiener, D.O.
Memphis, TN
Public letter of concern issued.
September 16, 2016
Kenneth R. Ellington, M.D.
Roebuck, SC
Public letter of concern issued.
Geoffrey S. Goodin, M.D.
Bartlett, TN
Public letter of concern issued.
September 22, 2016
Bret A. Boes, M.D.
Meridian, MS
Continuance granted with restriction that Licensee is prohibited from practicing pending the outcome of a hearing.
John L. Hochberg, M.D.
Morganville, NJ
Licensee executed Consent Order indefinitely suspending his license subject to terms and conditions.
Steven W. Tincher, M.D.
Brandon, MS
Voluntarily surrenders Mississippi medical license.
Verena T. Valley, M.D.
Canton, MS
Licensee executes indefinite suspension.
James O. Wilde, Jr., M.D.
Charleston, MS
Licensee executed Consent Order subject to terms, conditions and restrictions.
September 26, 2016
Gabriel Agbanyim, M.D.
Bogalusa, LA
Public letter of concern issued.
October 10, 2016
Craig Allen Dawkins, M.D.
Gulfport, MS
Public letter of concern issued.
Robert S. Wooten, M.D.
Germantown, TN
Public letter of concern issued.
October 19, 2016
Michael Loebenberg, MD
Ocean Springs, MS
Voluntarily surrenders Mississippi medical license.
October 28, 2016
Colibri N. Jenkins, M.D.
Jackson, MS
Voluntarily surrenders Mississippi medical license.
October 31, 2016
Anca L. Pop, M.D.
Germantown, TN
Public letter of concern issued.
Thomas L. Keister, Jr., M.D.
New Orleans, LA
Public letter of concern issued.
John Warren Cox, M.D.
West Point, MS
Voluntarily surrenders Mississippi medical license.
November 4, 2016
Marilyn J. Mora, M.D.
Humble, TX
Licensee served an Order of Prohibition.
November 9, 2016
Felicie G. Wyatt, M.D.
Port Gibson, MS
Order removing all restrictions.
November 17, 2016
Richard E. Brownstein, M.D.
Columbus, MS
Licensee executed Consent Order placing license on probation subject to terms and conditions.
Ron Y. Mark, M.D.
Jericho, NY
Licensee executed Consent Order placing license on probation subject to terms and conditions.
November 22, 2016
Jennifer G. Trihoulis, M.D.
Columbia, MS
Public letter of concern issued.
December 1, 2016
Wilford H. Byrd, M.D.
Clinton, MS
Public letter of concern issued.
December 8, 2016
Carol Dorethea Harris, MD
Lena, MS
Public Letter of Concern issued.
December 21, 2016
Samuel W. Taylor, Jr.M.D.
Tuscaloosa, AL
Public letter of concern issued.
January 9, 2015
Margaret Joan Moore, PA-C
Memphis, TN
Order of Temporary Suspension served suspending license until a hearing is conducted on January 15, 2015.
January 15, 2015
Lon F. Alexander, M.D.
Hattiesburg, MS
Request that all restrictions be lifted is hereby granted. Licensee holds an unrestricted MS medical license.
Anthony V. Dallas, Jr., M.D.
Hendersonville, TN
Licensee's motion to abate the probationary period on his Consent Order dated 9/4/14 is denied.
Margaret Joan Moore, PA-C
Memphis, TN
Licensee shall be reinstated. Licensee shall not practice in Mississippi until such time as she and her supervising physician meet with the Board's Executive Director and receives approval of her protocol. Protocol approved 01/27/2015.
February 3, 2015
Richard L. Butler
Godfrey, IL
Surrender of license at a time when licensee was subject to a Recovery Contract Agreement.
March 18, 2015
Stephen Allen Coachys, M.D.
Ridgeland, MS
All restrictions removed. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license.
Patrick Ernest Weldon, M.D.
Jackson, MS
All restrictions removed. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license.
Shunda Lynette Garner, M.D.
Jackson, MS
Licensee issued a Determination & Order whereby licensee is permitted to practice medicine subject to terms and conditions.
Mathew Cary Wallack, M.D.
Raleigh, NC
Licensee's request for reinstatement is granted. Licensee holds unrestricted license with the understanding that he maintains advocacy with MPHP.
March 19, 2015
John Warren Cox, M.D.
West Point, MS
Licensee executed Consent Order suspending his license for 1 year with the suspension stayed after 60 days. Suspension begins 4/1/15 and ends 6/1/15, with terms and conditions.
Theodore Emeka Okechuku, M.D.
Jackson, MS
Licensee's request for a Continuance is granted with the understanding he is prohibited from practice until such time as the matter is heard before the Board.
Dorothy Lee Gillespie, M.D.
Hattiesburg, MS
Licensee surrendered Mississippi medical license.
Dominick Trinca, M.D.
Greenville, MS
Licensee's request for reinstatement of medical license is hereby denied.
May 14, 2015
Bernadette E. Sherman, M.D.
Natchez, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order whereby she relinquished her DEA certificate for Schedules, II, IIN, III, IIIN, IV and V with terms and conditions for at least 1 yr. After 1 year Licensee can petition the Board to seek return of Controlled Substance privileges in Schedules III, IIIN, IV and V, with the exception of Phenergan with codeine and benzodiazepines.
Hosan Menanya Azomani, MD
Madison, MS
Licensee executed Consent Order suspending his license for 3 years with terms, conditions and restrictions.
Boyd Porter Benefield, MD
Gulfport, MS
Licensee executed Consent Order placing 1 year probationary terms and conditions on his license.
Christopher JM Cummins, M.D.
Ripley, MS
Licensee’s request that all restrictions on his MS license be removed is hereby granted. Licensee holds an unrestricted MS medical license.
May 22, 2015
Thomas Edward Panico, M.D.
Tupelo, MS
Order of Prohibition served.
May 30, 2015
Stephen W. McAuliffe, D.O.
Biloxi, MS
Surrendered license while under investigation.
July 16, 2015
Steve Morris, III, M.D.
Waveland, MS
Continuance granted with the restrictions that Licensee cannot practice until such time as a hearing is conducted and a decision is rendered.
Ed Grover Egger, Sr., M.D.
Greenville, MS
Request for restrictions to be removed is hereby granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license.
Thomas Frazee Fleischhauer, M.D.
Batesville, MS
Request for restrictions to be removed is hereby granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license.
Robert Kent Ozon, M.D.
Gautier, MS
Licensee’s request for restrictions on his license to be removed is hereby denied.
September 1, 2015
David Leonard Jameson, MD
Tylertown, MS
Order of Prohibition served.
September 17, 2015
John P. Louwerens, M.D.
Greenville, MS
Licensee’s request that all restrictions be removed is hereby granted. Licensee will hold an unrestricted medical license effective 9/19/2015.
Thomas E. Panico, M.D.
Oxford, MS
Order of Prohibition will continue until such time as he secures advocacy from MPHP.
Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D.
Belzoni, MS
License are hereby revoked.
Michael A. White, M.D.
Columbus, MS
License are hereby revoked.
Jonathan D. Ingram, M.D.
Atlanta, GA
Licensee may reinstate his MS medical license unrestricted.
November 12, 2015
Stephen C. Ayers, MD
Lake Charles, LA
All restrictions removed. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license.
Anthony V. Dallas, Jr., MD
Hendersonville, TN
All restrictions removed. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license.
David L. Jameson, MD
Tylertown, MS
Restrictions imposed by Order of Prohibition are hereby removed and Licensee is authorized to return to work.
William F. McArthur, III, M.D.
Lumberton, MS
On 11/19/2014, Licensee’s license was summarily reinstated by staff without full review by the Board. Licensee seeks Board’s approval and formal ratification of that reinstatement to be retro to 11/19/2014.
Ikechukwu Hyginus Okorie, M.D.
Hattiesburg, MS
In a hearing on 11/12/2015, certain terms, restrictions and conditions were placed on Licensee’s Mississippi license.
Michael A. White, M.D.
Columbus, MS
Denial of request for reconsideration for a Continuance.
January 8, 2014
Theresa L. Lane-Fisher, PA
Ridgeland, MS
Temporary Order of Suspension served suspending license until a hearing is conducted January 16, 2014.
January 16, 2014
Michael Dean Ralston, M.D.
Memphis, TN
All restrictions on license removed effective January 19, 2014.
Nedra Clem Jackson, M.D.
Nashville, TN
All restrictions on license removed.
Roger L. Collins, M.D.
Jackson, MS
Consent Order suspending license for 1 year, with the suspension stayed, subject to terms and conditions.
Lon Frederick Alexander, M.D.
Hattiesburg, MS
License suspended with terms and conditions.
Dominick Trinca, M.D.
Greenville, MS
License indefinitely suspended.
March 20, 2014
Stephen Allen Coachys, M.D.
Madison, MS
Executed Consent Order placing terms, conditions and restrictions on his medical license.
Melvyn Abraham Levitch, M.D.
Memphis, TN
Executed Consent Order of Reprimand with terms and conditions.
Theresa L. Lane-Fisher, P.A.
Ridgeland, MS
Voluntarily surrendered in lieu of an evidentiary hearing.
April 1, 2014
Daniel Agcaoili Martelino, M.D.
Portsmouth, OH
Executed voluntary surrender of MS medical license.
May 15, 2014
Michael S. Zaleski, DPM
Hattiesburg, MS
Request for reinstatement granted. Licensee now holds an unrestricted license.
Robert S. Corkern, MD
Mathison, MS
Licensee’s request for reinstatement is hereby granted. Licensee holds an unrestricted license.
Thomas W. Grafton, DO
Hernando, MS
Licensee’s request that all restrictions be lifted is hereby granted.
Gumersindo R. Leal, MD
Memphis, TN
Licensee executed Consent Order of Reprimand with terms and conditions.
Yusuf A. Mosuro, MD
Houston, TX
Licensee executed Consent Order of Reprimand with terms and conditions.
Thomas E. Panico, MD
Jackson, MS
Licensee’s request that Order of Prohibition of 10/5/2011 be lifted is hereby granted.
Licensee holds an unrestricted license.
Patrick J. Pasco, DO
Magee, MS
Licensee executed a voluntary surrender with the EFFECTIVE date to be July 1, 2014.
July 10, 2014
Andrew Ayers Martin, M.D.
Clarksdale, MS
Request that all restrictions be lifted is hereby granted. Licensee holds unrestricted medical license.
September 4, 2014
James Claude Wright, D.O.
Lake Village, AR
Licensee’s request for all restrictions to be lifted is hereby granted.
Louie Franklin Hood, D.O.
Gadsden, AL
MS medical license is revoked.
Bruce David Smith, MD.
Spring, TX
Licensee executed a Consent Order that formally reprimands and restricts Licensee subject to terms and conditions.
Anthony Vernon Dallas, Jr., M.D.
Hendersonville, TN
Licensee executed a Consent Order that suspends his MS medical license for 3 months, subject to probationary terms and conditions for 1 year from execution of Consent Order.
Sudhir Narayan Pujari, M.D.
Laurel, MS
Applicant executed a Consent Order placing his application for licensure in abeyance for consideration later subject to terms and conditions.
October 1, 2014
Patricia Ann Payne, M.D.
Greenville, MS
Licensee voluntarily surrenders MS medical license.
October 22, 2014
David Zimmy Levine, D.O.
Clarksdale, MS
Order of Prohibition served.
November 7, 2014
Harold David Simmons, M.D.
Batesville, MS
Order of Prohibition served.
November 13, 2014
Sharon J. Collins, M.D.
Tylertown, MS
All restrictions on license are removed.
January 2, 2013
Cassandra F. Thomas, M.D.
Ridgeland, MS
Voluntary surrender.
January 22, 2013
Richard Charles Mendel, M.D.
Columbus, MS
Voluntary relinquishment/surrender.
January 24, 2013
Patrick E. Weldon, M.D.
Jackson, MS
Consent Order placing terms, conditions and restrictions on license.
Robert S. Corkern, M.D.
Batesville, MS
License revoked due to felony conviction of crime of moral turpitude.
February 1, 2013
Mathew C. Wallack, M.D.
Biloxi, MS
Temporary Order of Suspension
February 7, 2013
Michael Sean Zaleski, D.P.M.
Hattiesburg, MS
Temporary Order of Suspension
February 14, 2013
William F. Yost, M.D.
Slidell, LA
Voluntary Surrender
March 21, 2013
Jodi Allen Parks, M.D.
Covington, LA
All restrictions removed effective 3/22/2013.
Gabriel Perez Lasala, M.D.
Mandelville, LA
Consent Order placing license on probation for 5 years with terms and conditions.
Michael Sean Zaleski, D.P.M.
Hattiesburg, MS
Agreed Order not to practice pending completion of comprehensive evaluation and approval by Board before returning to practice.
April 30, 2013
Francis Christian Huber, M.D.
Lewisburg, VA
Voluntary Surrender in Lieu of Hearing.
May 16, 2013
James Steven Blake, D.O.
Philadelphia, PA
Executed Agreed Order of Reprimand.
James Claude Wright, D.O.
Lake Village, AR
Executed Consent Order placing restrictions on license.
Benjamin Alborn Marble, M.D.
Long Beach, MS
All restrictions are lifted.
James Buell Denney, M.D.
Slidell, LA
Revocation of license.
July 18, 2013
Karen Holloway, M.D.
Madison, MS
All restrictions are lifted.
Mathew Cary Wallack, M.D.
Biloxi, MS
Order of Temporary Suspension dated February 1, 2013, remains in effect and license will remain suspended until he obtains advocacy from MPHP.
September 19, 2013
John Peter Louwerens, MD
Greenville, MS
Executed Consent Order suspending license 1 year, with the suspension stayed with terms and conditions.
Zizhuang Li, MD
Leawood, KS
All restrictions removed effective 9/27/2013.
Margaret L. Meredith, DPM
McComb, MS
Executed Consent Order of public reprimand.
October 24, 2013
Lon Frederick Alexander, MD
Hattiesburg, MS
Order of Prohibition served.
October 25, 2013
Dominick Trinca, MD
Greenville, MS
Order of Prohibition served.
November 13, 2013
Christopher J.M. Cummins, M.D.
Ripley, MS
Executed Consent Order placing terms, conditions and restrictions on license.
Robert Kent Ozon, M.D.
Gulfport, MS
Executed Consent Order placing terms, conditions and restrictions on license.
Coleman Henley, Jr., M.D.
Laurel, MS
Licensee's request to remove restrictions of September 16, 2010, Consent Order was denied.
Michelle Quynh Chi Lai, M.D.
Hattiesburg, MS
Executed Consent Order suspending license for 1 year with suspension stayed after 180 days subject to terms and conditions. Suspension to begin November 13, 2013, and ends May 12, 2014.
Sharon Joenelle Collins, M.D.
Tylertown, MS
Executed Consent Order suspending license 1 year with suspension stayed after 90 days subject to terms and conditions. Suspension to begin November 13, 2013, and ends February 10, 2014.
Thomas A. Sturdavant, M.D.
Gulfport, MS
All restrictions removed. Licensee now holds an unrestricted medical license.
Victor Jay Zuckerman, D.O.
West Monroe, LA
The Determination and Order rendered by the Board on July 18, 2013, is vacated in its entirety.
Licensee accepted a Consent Order of Reprimand subject to terms and conditions.
Michael Alex White, M.D.
Columbus, MS
Stay of suspension shall be continued and additional six months granted to complete mandated requirements of the January 19, 2012, Determination and Order.
January 19, 2012
Ray A. Harron, M.D.
Bridgeport, WV
Licensee prohibited from renewing license and permanently prohibits him from seeking reinstatement.
Michael Dean Ralston, M.D.
Horn Lake, MS
Licensee executed Consent Order placing certain terms, conditions and restrictions on license.
Thomas Edward Sturdavant, M.D.
Gulport, MS
Licensee prohibited from practicing weight loss medicine in Mississippi.
Michael Alex White, M.D.
Columbus, MS
Licensee's license is suspended, with suspension stayed. Licensee is permanently prohibited from practicing weight loss medicine in Mississippi.
Charles Hartwell Williams, M.D.
Flowood, MS
Licensee's license reinstatement is contingent upon participation and advocacy with the Mississippi Professionals Health Program.
January 30,2012
Gary Allen Nelson, M.D.
Clinton, MS
Order of Prohibition served.
February 13, 2012
Mukund Kanu Patel, M.D.
Oxford, MS
Voluntary surrender of medical license.
March 13, 2012
Roger Gavin Meadows, D.O.
Laurel, MS
Voluntary agreement not to practice medicine.
March 22, 2012
Gregory John Hale, M.D.
Oxford, MS
Executed consent order placing license on probation with terms, conditions and restrictions.
Jodi Allen Parks, M.D.
Covington, LA
Executed consent order placing license on one year probation with terms, conditions and restrictions.
Duane Lamont Russell, M.D.
Atlanta, GA
License reinstated unrestricted with understanding he continues advocacy with MPHP.
Harry Gene Hunt, M.D.
McComb, MS
License reinstated unrestricted with understanding he continues advocacy with MPHP.
Thomas F. Fleischhauer, M.D.
Batesville, MS
License reinstated on probation subject to terms and conditions.
May 8, 2012
Kerry Jane Berthold, M.D.
Springdale, AR
Voluntary surrender of medical license.
May 17, 2012
Billy Ray Shows, M.D.
Newton, MS
Request to lift suspension and reinstate license denied.
Otis Anderson, III, M.D.
Southaven, MS
Executed Agreed Order of Reprimand.
William Frank McArthur, III, M.D.
Lexington, MS
Request for reinstatement denied.
John Edwin Witcher, M.D.
Brandon, MS
License reinstated.
Samuel C. Okoye, M.D.
Clinton, MS
Licensee voluntarily surrendered license.
Karen Holloway, M.D.
Madison, MS
Executed Consent Order placing license on probation for one year with terms and conditions.
Ralph T. Ho, M.D.
Reno, NV
Executed Consent Order placing license on indefinite probation with terms and conditions.
July 10, 2012
Ralph Arnold Smith, Jr., M.D.
Greenwood, MS
Order served prohibiting practice pending independent mental exam.
July 12, 2012
Meyer Leon Proler, M.D.
Houston, TX
Licensee executed Consent Order placing conditions on his license.
Gregory John Hale, M.D.
Oxford, MS
All restrictions removed.
Joann Guy Francis, M.D.
Washington, MS
Licensee executed voluntary surrender.
Patricia Lynn Dudley, M.D.
Meridian, MS
License reinstated.
James Buell Denney, M.D.
Slidell, LA
Order placing license on probation with terms and conditions.
September 27, 2012
Benjamin A. Marble, M.D.
Long Beach, MS
Executed Consent Order placing terms, conditions and restrictions on license.
Andrew A. Martin, M.D.
Clarksdale, MS
Executed Consent Order placing terms, conditions and restrictions on license.
Zizhuang Li, M.D.
Gulfport, MS
Licensee's license is hereby suspended for 1 year with conditions.
Roderick G. Newell, M.D.
Long Beach, MS
License reinstated unrestricted.
William C. Sams, III, M.D.
Gulfport, MS
Licensee's license is indefinitely suspended effective 10/11/12 at 5:00 p.m. Licensee is required to obtain MPHP advocacy.
November 1, 2012
Tory Zawinul Westbrook, M.D.
Glastonbury, CT
Issued a Temporary Order of Prohibition, Determination of Need for Disciplinary Action prohibiting him from the practice of medicine pending outcome of a hearing set by issuance of a Summons and Affidavit for November 15, 2012.
November 15, 2012
Kent C. Kyzar, M.D.
Ruth, MS
Executed Consent Order subject to terms and conditions.
Cassandra F. Thomas, M.D.
Ridgeland, MS
Based on MS Code Ann., Section 99-19-35, licensee is no longer allowed to practice medicine based on conviction of crime of obtaining money or goods under false pretenses.
Earnest L. Rankin, M.D.
Jackson, MS
Terms and conditions placed on Licensee's license.
Robert L. Brunston, Jr., M.D.
Ocean Springs, MS
Licensee's request for lifing of restrictions granted - effective 11/27/2012.
Robert B. Warr, M.D.
Colorado Springs, CO
Licensee's request for lifting of suspension is granted.
November 28, 2012
Eric L. Thomas, M.D.
McComb, MS
Licensee issued Order of Prohibition prohibiting practice until such time as the Board determines he may return.
December 26, 2012
Charles H. Williams, M.D.
Flowood, MS
Order of Prohibition served.
Steve Morris, III, M.D., Tampa, FL
Licensee violated existing Board Order. Board Order extends certain terms and conditions.
Stephen C. Ayers, M.D., Lake Charles, LA
Licensee executed Consent Order indefinitely suspending license with suspension stayed, subject to certain terms and conditions.
Daniel C. Garner, M.D., Franklin, TN
Licensee executed Consent Order indefinitely suspending license with suspension stayed, subject to certain terms and conditions.
Joseph Samuel Mardis, M.D., Jackson, MS
Licensee served with an Order of Prohibition.
March 24, 2011
David Callahan Schaff, M.D., Booneville, MS
Licensee executed Voluntary Surrender.
Jonathan Howard Stein, M.D., Broussard, LA
Reinstatement of license granted subject to terms and conditions of Consent Order.
James Luther Crabb, M.D., Jackson, TN
Licensee executed Consent Order indefinitely suspending license with suspension stayed subject to terms and conditions.
John Leonard Herzog, M.D., Greenville, MS
Board ordered certain restrictions be placed on Licensee's license.
Steven Wayne Easley, M.D., Madison, MS
All restrictions removed.
Harry Lee Richardson, Jr., M.D., Reform, AL
Licensee executed Consent Order indefinitely suspending license with suspension stayed subject to terms and conditions.
March 28, 2011
John Edwin Witcher, M.D., Brandon, MS
Order of Temporary Action suspending licensee's license.
April 8, 2011
John Edwin Witcher, M.D.
Brandon, MS
License indefinitely suspended.
Sudhir Narayan Pujari, M.D.
Laurel, MS
Licensee executed Voluntary Surrender.
May 12, 2011
Jay Paul Jacobs, II, M.D.
Boca Raton, FL
License indefinitely suspended.
Duane Lamont Russell, M.D.
Atlanta, GA
Licensee executed Consent Order indefinitely suspending license with suspension stayed after 6 months subject to terms and conditions.
Harry Gene Hunt, M.D.
Ocean Springs, MS
License suspended for 1 year with suspension stayed after 3 months subject to probationary terms and conditions.
Mukund Kana Patel, M.D.
Water Valley, MS
License reinstated with restrictions limiting practice only within Mississippi residency program.
June 22, 2011
Charles Martin Webber, M.D.
Brandon, MS
Order of Temporary Suspension issued. Licensee is prohibited from the practice of medicine pending the outcome of a hearing.
June 23, 2011
Patricia Lynn Dudley, M.D.
Meridian, MS
Licensee prohibited from practicing medicine pending outcome of a hearing.
July 7, 2011
Calvin Ramsey, M.D.
Lexington, MS
All restrictions removed.
James Benjamin Burke, M.D.
Natchez, MS
License suspended until Licensee meets certain requirements.
Patricia Lynn Dudley, M.D.
Meridian, MS
Order of Continuing Prohibition served. The Order of Prohibition served on 6/22/2011 is continued until Licensee meets certain terms and conditions.
Thomas F. Fleischhauer, M.D.
Batesville, M.D.
Order of Continuance served with prescribing, administering, and dispensing restrictions.
August 28, 2011
Arthur T. Roach, P.A.-C
Horn Lake, MS
Voluntary surrender of license.
August 29, 2011
Meera Sachdeva, M.D.
Summit, MS
Voluntary surrender of license.
September 22, 2011
Robert Stephen Corkern, M.D.
Batesville, MS
All restrictions removed.
John Leonard Herzog, M.D.
Greenville, MS
All restrictions removed.
Andrew James Peterson, D.O.
Gulfport, MS
All restrictions removed.
Harry Lee Richardson, M.D.
Reform, AL
All restrictions removed.
Je Song, M.D.
Saucier, MS
License revoked.
Katrina Spears Babcock, D.O.
Thousand Oaks, CA
Agreed Order of Reprimand executed.
Thomas Frazee Fleischhauer, M.D.
Batesville, MS
Consent Order suspending license for 6 months with certain terms and conditions.
Mark Lavern Burtman, M.D.
Columbus, MS
Voluntary surrender of license.
Jimmy Arnold Meeks, M.D.
Ripley, MS
Voluntary surrender of license.
Jerry Mitchell, III, D.O.
Quitman, MS
Voluntary surrender of license.
Charles Martin Webber, M.D.
Ridgeland, MS
Voluntary surrender of license.
October 5, 2011
Thomas E. Panico, M.D.
Jackson, MS
Order of Prohibition served.
Charles H. Williams, M.D.
Madison, MS
Order of Prohibition served.
November 10, 2011
Scott Hull Boswell, M.D.
Jasper, AL
License placed on probation subject to terms and conditions.
Robert Lewis Brunston, Jr., M.D.
Biloxi, MS
License will be placed on probation effective 11/29/11.
Daniel Creston Garner, M.D.
Franklin, TN
All restrictions removed.
James Benjamin Burke, M.D.
Natchez, MS
License reinstated subject to terms and conditions.
John Dee Dial, M.D.
Brandon, MS
Voluntary surrender of license.
December 19, 2011
Raymond Lee Struck, M.D.
Hattiesburg, MS
Voluntarily surrendered medical license.
January 21, 2010
James Wesley Adams, II, M.D., Memphis, TN
Licensee executed an Agreed Order of Reprimand.
Mark Lavern Burtman, M.D., Columbus, MS
All restrictions lifted with the exception licensee shall not prescribe, dispense or administer controlled substance for weight loss.
Robert Stephen Corkern, M.D., Batesville, MS
Licensee executed a Consent Order placing certain restrictions on license.
Kentrell Marie Liddell, M.D., Jackson, MS
Licensee voluntarily surrendered medical license.
Kim Elliot Nagel, M.D., Cleveland, MS
All restrictions removed from medical license.
Horrell H. Townsend, D.O., Gulfport, MS
All restrictions removed from medical license.
March 8, 2010
Van Harbert Temple, M.D., Madison, MS
Licensee served Order of Prohibition.
March 9, 2010
Demetri Wendell Marshall, M.D., Port Gibson, MS
License suspended for failing to pay child support.
March 11, 2010
Santanu Som, D.O., Natchez, MS
Licensee executed Agreed Order of Continuance placing terms and conditions on license.
Steven Wayne Easley, M.D., Madison, MS
Licensee executed Consent Order indefinitely suspending license.
March 15, 2010
Demetri Wendell Marshall, M.D., Port Gibson, MS
Suspension lifted.
May 19, 2010
Mahmoud I. Ali, M.D., Santa Clara, CA
All restrictions removed.
May 20, 2010
Zvi Marom, M.D., New York, NY
License suspended.
Robert S. Corkern, M.D., Batesville, MS
Request of removal of restrictions denied.
July 21, 2010
Nedra Clem Jackson, M.D., Vicksburg, MS
Applicant executed Consent Order with terms and conditions
Zvi Marom, M.D.,Hazlehurst, MS
Restrictions removed
Roderick Gray Newell, M.D., Gulfport, MS
Licensee executed Consent Order indefinitely suspending medical license
Santanu Som, D.O., Port Gibson, MS
Dismissal without prejudice
July 22, 2010
Robert S. Corkern, M.D., Batesville, MS
Petition to lift restrictions denied
Edwin Grover Egger, Sr., M.D., Greenville, MS
Licensee executed Consent Order with terms and conditions
Edward J. O'Brien, M.D., New Orleans, LA
Licensee executed Consent Order with terms and conditions
September 15, 2010
Coleman Henley, Jr., M.D., Buffalo, NY
Applicant executed Consent Order with terms and conditions as condition for licensure
September 16, 2010
Andrew James Peterson, D.O., Gulfport, MS
Licensee executed Consent Order suspending license for 1 year
October 18, 2010
Charles David Finch, Jr., M.D., Clinton, MS
Licensee prohibited from practicing medicine.
November 18, 2010
Richard Alfred Mazur, M.D., Gulfport, MS
License revoked 7/10/08. Licensee's proposed residency-like training request denied.
Joseph Samuel Mardis, M.D., Jackson, MS
Immediate and indefinite suspension with suspension stayed if all terms and conditions in Consent Order are met.
January 15, 2009
David Leon Dugger, M.D., Ocean Springs, MS
All restrictions removed.
Werner Scott Haddon, M.D., Raleigh, NC
Voluntary surrender of license.
March 12, 2009
Charles S. Knight, M.D., Jackson, MS
Revocation of license.
Thomas Webber Grafton, D.O., Southaven, MS
Order of Prohibition lifted with certain terms and conditions placed on his license.
May 8, 2009
Calvin Ramsey, M.D., Lexington, MS
Indefinite suspension of license.
May 21, 2009
Akella Chendrasekhar, M.D., Lake Hopatcong, NJ
Agreed Order not to renew or seek reinstatement of license.
Ramesh Yalamanchili, M.D., Germantown, TN
Agreed Order of Reprimand.
William D. Atchison, M.D., Destin, FL
Voluntary surrender of license.
James Whitton Lowe, M.D., New Orleans, LA
Voluntary surrender of license.
Virginia M. Mills, M.D., Houston, TX
Indefinite suspension of license.
Gregg Spaulding Hunter, M.D., Houma, LA
Consent Order placing restrictions on license
June 24, 2009
John Thomas Chmelicek, M.D., Purvis, MS
License suspended for failing to pay child support.
July 2, 2009
Harold Todd Coulter, M.D., Ocean Springs, MS
All restrictions removed.
Neil Burton Sloan, M.D., Corinth, MS
Restrictions removed on Schedules III and IIIN; however, licensee prohibited from prescribing Schedules II and IIN.
Evan Laythe Sykes, D.O., Corinth, MS
Applicant granted a restricted temporary license for residency training program.
September 17, 2009
Charles Everett Swanson, II, D.O., Corinth, MS
Applicant granted a restricted temporary license for residency training.
November 19, 2009
Sukhdev Chand Soni, M.D., Joiliet, IL
Licensee executed Agreed Order of Reprimand.
James Ikemefuna Okoh, M.D., Eden Prairie, MN
Licensee executed Agreed Order of Reprimand.
Roger Michael Anastasio, M.D., Hattiesburg, MS
All restrictions removed.
Seth Leigh Yoser, M.D., Memphis, TN
Licensee executed Agreed Order of Surrender.
James Benjamin Burke, M.D., Natchez, MS
Current Consent Order modified to add additional practice location.
January 23, 2008
Karen B. Shackelford, M.D., Jackson, MS
Voluntary surrender of medical license.
Kim Elliot Nagel, M.D., Littleton, CO
Applicant granted a Mississippi medical license subject to certain terms and conditions.
William Elmore Tiemann, M.D., New Orleans, LA
Licensee executed Consent Order indefinitely suspending his Mississippi medical license.
Donald Ray Rayner, M.D., Long Beach, MS
All restrictions removed.
January 24, 2008
Stanley Clay Russell, M.D., Brandon, MS
Licensee has consented to the immediate and indefinite suspension of license and stay of said suspension subject to certain terms, conditions and restrictions until a hearing which is to be held within the next 90 days.
February 8, 2008
Robert Danna Mayfield, M.D., Batesville, MS
Voluntary surrender of license.
March 27, 2008
Neil Burton Sloan, M.D., Corinth, MS
Licensee executed Consent Order with probationary terms, conditions and restrictions.
Stanley Clay Russell, M.D., Brandon, MS
Licensee entered into an Agreed Permanent Consent Order placing terms, conditions and restrictions on license.
May 14, 2008
Gabrielle Fodor Morris, M.D., Redding, CA
All restrictions removed.
May 15, 2008
Margaret Littel Meredith, D.P.M., Pearisburg, VA
Licensee issued public reprimand for false statement on application for license and granted unrestricted license to practice podiatry.
May 22, 2008
Thomas Thanh Trieu, D.O., Biloxi, MS
Voluntary surrender of license.
Thu-Hoa Victoria Van, M.D., Biloxi, MS
Voluntary surrender of license.
July 10, 2008
Billy Ray Shows, M.D., Newton, MS
Executed Consent Order indefinitely suspending license.
Donald P. Auzine, II, M.D., Gonzales, LA
Voluntary surrender of license.
Maria Carmen Palazzo, M.D., New Orleans, LA
Voluntary surrender of license.
Richard A. Mazur, M.D., Gulfport, MS
License revoked for felony conviction.
July 14, 2008
Sandeep Mellacheruvu, M.D., Ridgeland, MS
Voluntary surrender of license.
August 4, 2008
Larry Charles Boyd, M.D., Indianola, MS
Voluntary surrender of license.
September 18, 2008
Mark L. Burtman, M.D., Columbus, MS
License suspended for one year with suspension stayed after three months. Suspension begins October 19, 2008, and ends January 19, 2009.
Steven J. Kaniadakis, D.P.M., St. Petersburg, FL
Application for podiatric license denied.
September 27, 2008
Thomas Webber Grafton, D.O., Senatobia, MS
Order of Prohibition served.
November 20, 2008
Joseph Paul Ward, M.D., Clarksville, AR
Executed Agreed Order not to renew or seek reinstatement.
Sidney Kelton Pace, M.D., Oxford, MS
Executed Agreed Order of Reprimand.
Radwan Rafik Khuri, M.D., Batesville, MS
Executed Agreed Order of Reprimand.